AIS, in partnership with C4S, offers dynamic Telecom training programs covering the spectrum of Industry related services and activities.
C4S conducts Generic Courses on Fixed Telephony, Mobile Telephony, WIMAX, Wi-Fi, IOT and IP, as well as seminars on different topics. The company brings proven expertise and training techniques to learning sessions for improving performance in specialized areas, including IP Routing and Bridging, Fiber Optics and Optical Networks and Mobile Internet Technologies.
Committed to offering a new standard of service in Telecom Training, C4S provides flexible training options, from instructor-led classroom training to e-learning through corresponding material, as well as developing tailor-made courses.
• Telecomm Generic Courses
• Fixed Telephony (Network design and Structure, Signaling,Protocols an procedures,Operation and Maintenance,Performance ,Statistics,Panning and Dimensioning,Core network Solutions,Services)
• Mobile Telephony (Technical solutions for GSM, WCDMA, LTE,5G, Access Network , Air Interface, Signaling , Protocols an procedures, Operation and Maintenance, Performance , Statistics, Planning and Dimensioning, Tunning,Accounting and charging,Network Architecture ,Network design and Structure, Policy,Emergency,Core network Solutions,Services)
• WIMAX (Protocols and Procedures,Access Solurion,Mobile Sytems Cooperation,Services)
• Wi-fi (Protocols and Procedures,Access Solurion,Mobile Sytems Cooperation,Services)
• IOT (IP evolution and trends, Architecture , Networking, Protocols, Solutions/Applications)
• IP (Protocols (IPv4/IPv6, SIP, Architecture , Networking)
• IP Routing and Bridging
• Datacom Networking
• Fiber Optics and Optical networks
• IPv4/IPv6 protocols
• IPv6 Advanced Features
• IPv6 and Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
• IMS solution
• Mobile Internet Technologies